Howard is a life-long Brooklynite and young bright senior in high school. When he became involved in a romantic relationship, he knew it was time to learn more about his sexual health. He hesitated to see a doctor, and was confused, curious, and a little bit embarrassed. He wanted more applicable knowledge while feeling uncomfortable about openly talking about topics like sex, birth control, and STIs.
Siby: When Nurse-Family Partnership® Becomes a Home Away from Home
Imagine that you and your spouse just immigrated to New York City, far away from close family and friends who you relied on for support. And then you find out you are pregnant. Where do you look for guidance? Like many first-time moms who participate in the NFP program, Siby needed much support during her pregnancy and after her daughter was born.
Ann Marie: Taking on a Healthier Lifestyle
Ann Marie is a single mom raising a family of four children. When she became pregnant with her second child, she was working fulltime as a hairstylist, had a teenage daughter, and was struggling to make ends meet. “It was already difficult to provide for my teenage daughter. I was completely overwhelmed by being pregnant.”
Wilson: When SNAP Protects Families from Hunger
When Queens’ resident Wilson had an accident while on the job, he was left disabled and unable to work. He eventually lost his social security benefits, and could not afford basics that he and his wife needed, like food. “Everything was bad, my financial situation was very difficult. I needed help.”
Jayvonne: Teen Advocate for Tobacco Control
Javonne spent his high school years as a champion for public health issues affecting youth. We reached out to Jayvonne and asked him to share his experience as a youth advocate and student leader.
Eileen: Caregiver in Need
Everyone benefits from having health insurance. Eileen would not just benefit from health insurance, she was in desperate need of it.
Jason: Reaching Brooklyn Men and Youth
Jason is tasked with giving balanced, accurate, and realistic sex education to local Brooklyn high schools and colleges.
Christina: Empowered to Do More
When Christina learned she was pregnant, she was filled with both joy and panic. She didn’t know who to learn from, or who to lean on. Christina turned to the Healthy Families program that was in her community.
Asha: A Story of Hope
For most of Asha’s adult life, she had a steady job and roof over her head. A few years ago, she experienced a whirlwind of life events that seemed to go from bad to worse. While Asha had little control over much of her life, her shelter was in the neighborhood of PHS Reproductive Health Center.
Ulivia: A Path of Good Health Through Neighborhood WIC
Families like Ulivia’s family face a great deal of barriers to eating well. She believes that it is the support of her local WIC Center that has launched her and her family on to a healthier path.